Wednesday, August 06, 2008


last night i worked at outpost's concession stand at a local free music festival in riverwest. this month's musical performer was a local blues band called "the misfits", not to be confused with the internationally-known punk rockers.

all evening, droves of hopeful crusties and punks arrived, only to leave again, confused and disappointed.

posted by emily oi! at 10:11:00 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2008

only one of each pair of colored socks returned from its journey through the wash. i suspect foul play.

posted by emily oi! at 12:14:00 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008

today i made the coffee much too strong, but am drinking it resolutely.

i added the remains of the vegan whipped kreme from saturday's grill-out, but it's not really helping, just making me drink faster. when you give something up, it is better to let it go completely, instead of hanging onto semblances of it. black coffee is better than coffee with soymilk, fruit is better than vegan jello, and when you cleanse yourself of earthly things, it's really all got to go. detachment implies attachment, right?*

today marks the beginning of my third week as food ambassador at outpost, until the end of which i swore i would not pass judgment on whether or not i enjoy the position/will stay on. i am dangerously ambivalent on the subject. i sort of dread going to work, but i cannot tell if it is me, the nature of the work, of the combination of the two.

if anyone needs an interpreter/printmaker/seamstress, you do not need to knock down my door, it is unlocked.

*i hope this isn't an inappropriate reference, but yesterday i got stuck on the first page of the Iqan, and it was bound to come out somehow.

posted by emily oi! at 10:25:00 AM

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

my heart's an autoclave

today, i nearly slipped twice on the ice in front of my house. the ice that is my fault for not having dealt with it after the icy rain. aw geez.

i voted tonight.

last week i lost the following things on separate occasions:
cell phone
binder with all class work/notes/etc.

i recovered each in turn, except for the binder. it is making my life... difficult.

posted by emily oi! at 7:52:00 PM

Sunday, January 27, 2008

flavored coffees will always, invariably remind me of my mother.

i am currently kicking off my second round of classes for the semester, and could possibly be kicking myself quite soon for giving myself such a ridiculous semester. sixteen credits artfully arranged to allow me only to open at work during the week (that is, arrive at the outpost at 6:45), if that.


the rolling exhibition is thousands of photographs taken in 15 different countries by film student kevin connolly, traveling by skateboard. the photos are all of people staring at him, because he is legless. he talks a little on the website (and more in this article) about they way in which different culturally shared experiences influenced people's perception of him, and their reaction to his physical difference. a highly recommended read/look.

posted by emily oi! at 12:39:00 PM