Saturday, October 04, 2003

okokok, i've got a plan. a plan i will carry out. i will carry out my plan.

i have arisen this morning with a sense of purpose. my social calendar is clean, the house is empty, and on my desk rests things to be done. things that must be done. things that will be done.

item number one: armed with notecards and with an ever-approaching deadline spurring me on, i will complete the research for my extended essay and construct the outline for the final paper. when this has been completed, i shall stand up, rejoice (dance) and move on to

item number two: i will reduce one hundred years of solitude to a quivering mass of gelatinous motif, allusion, and metaphor notes, sliding around in my spiral. when this is done, i will spike the book onto the ground, nfl style, and motor right along to

item number three: i will write the most thoughtful, well-structured, self-flattering college application essays ever. they will be so good that antioch university will sense it and a representative will show up at my door with my acceptance forms and scholarships in hand before i even lick the envelope. after this, comes

item number four: collapse.

there are also some things i will definitely not do to day.

non-item number one: check my email. i'm sorry hot webcam chixx, you'll have to wait.

non-item number two: check anyone's blog. look for my ip address in your hit counter. if it's there, send me a sock in the stomach by post*.

non-item number three: take a little break. everytime i take a little break, it turns into the end of my productivity for the rest of the day. i'll just have to take my breaks while working. heh.

here i go, wish me luck.

. . .

*this was an inadvertant pun. :)

posted by emily oi! at 9:50:00 AM